As a Christian, I have to believe that every event in our lives has been meticulously planned out by the Almighty. When it comes to miscarriage, these plans can be incredibly difficult to understand and even accept. It can only be our belief in the rewards of Heaven that can bring us comfort in such excruciating times as those that follow a miscarriage.
If you are looking for comfort or want to offer it to a loved one then the following quotes about angels will help. You can send these to those in need or just read them to yourself and remember that God really does love us and cares for us all.
One of the most comforting things about angels is that they are all around us, watching over us and protecting us. Isn’t it nice to know that even when we cannot see them, they are still there, helping us? I personally believe that these angels are looking out for us from even before our first breath and this is why the following quotes are so comforting to those suffering a pregnancy loss.
For they cannot die anymore, because they are equal to angels and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection.
Luke 20:36
We were going to have a baby. But we had an angel instead.
Angels of heaven, hear my plea. Take care of my baby, just for me.
Butterflies hover and feathers appear whenever lost loved ones and angels are near.
Mary Jac
Heaven gained the tiniest angel.
Because of you I believe in angels.
Heaven got the best angel ever, ours…
Some only dream of angels, I held one in my arms.
Heaven gained another angel and you should be glad.
A baby gone to Heaven. An Angel picked too soon. A child who’s loved forever, beyond the stars and the moon.
Need more inspiring quotes about pregnancy loss? Click here to unlock over 400 unique quotes about miscarriage that will inspire and comfort!
An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby’s birth. Then whispered as she closed the book ‘too beautiful for earth’.

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The trumpets sounded and the choir of angels sang their song of praise and sorrow upon the arrival of your baby in heaven.
You were taken on angel’s wings as you sweetly and quietly slept. And returned to heaven before we knew that you had even left.
Once in a while, children come into this world, so special that the angels need these precious ones. To sing in Heaven and light up the world from above

Find 400+ more inspiring miscarriage quotes here
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- 22 Verses From The Letters To The Corinthians About Death
- 40 Psalms About Life & Death (Eulogy, Headstones, Obituary)
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- 168 Short Quotes About Life, Death & Loss (Free Bonus PDF)