Don't leave without learning this!
Funerals are expensive, but there are certain ways you can save money without being cheap. Feel free to read this article before you go.
When asked, most people would only be able to give the most basic description of what a cremation entails. We all know that this process reduces a body to ash, but there is actually a lot more to...
If you are planning to dispose of your recently cremated loved one you may have questions about handling the ashes themselves. What should you do, it is safe, are you in any physical danger from the...
If you are sitting in a bar having an argument with friends about hearse trivia, or you just really want to know something before hiring one for a funeral, this is the right place for you. Below...
Cremation is becoming an increasingly popular way to respectfully dispose of our loved ones. However, even with this method, there comes a time when you need to dispose of the ashes themselves,...
A death in the family or among your closest friends can be sudden and often totally out of the blue. Funerals, although challenging to organize for the bereaved, can happen very quickly and often...
There are so many options today when it comes to having a funeral, it can be overwhelming sometimes. Some people want to have more of a traditional funeral with an open casket, but do not want to...