Don't leave without learning this!
Funerals are expensive, but there are certain ways you can save money without being cheap. Feel free to read this article before you go.
I'd like to talk with you about a delicate subject, and that is what does a Christian do, according to the Bible, with the body of a loved one? Is cremation okay? Does God expect burial? Perhaps...
For most of us, death and funerals are a very surreal experience and don't, thankfully, happen every day. Above all else, we don't want to cause offense or make people feel uncomfortable when we...
Funerals, as we know them today, are changing and there are even growing amounts of people who are choosing not to have a funeral at all. But what are the ramifications of not opting for a...
Giving a eulogy at a parent's funeral, be it Mom or Dad, is an incredibly difficult moment regards less of your relationship with them. When you are having reservations about doing it you are...
Losing a parent is a challenging event and it's one that most of us will have to face at least once in our lives. Losing your mother is particularly hard because of the maternal connection. You,...
Being asked to give the eulogy at a funeral is a great honor but it's also a massive burden which is fraught with numerous pitfalls. There are many things that you should talk about during a eulogy,...